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Freedom Under G-D Party Jelladian for President, Chandler for Vice President in 2024 Auction ID : 153259   
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Freedom Under G-D Party Jelladian for President, Chandler for Vice President in 2024

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Starting Bid USD 1.00
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50 Days, 1h 10m 39s
Start Time Aug. 15, 2024 17:05:41
End Time Nov. 05, 2024 13:33:00
Status Open
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Fellow Americans,

My Name is Daniel Arthur Jelladian, Jr., I am a Jewelry Designer and Manufacturer that was born in Fresno, California 50 years ago. Remember when most everything was a pleasure? I Love this Country and I believe that I was chosen by G-D to lead America to Safety, Building and Reorganization through working with Our Creditors.

I believe that both the Republicans and the Democrats in America have selected candidates that have both turned their backs and betrayed Our People and Our Nation.

Whose side are You on? There are only two sides to be on, the Right side or the Wrong side. Forget looking back at the past and the mistakes. Here is where We must start fixing these major leaks.

Here is a video of Biden bragging that He was withholding another $1,000,000,000 loan guarantee to Ukraine. This dishonesty has now grown to be about $175,000,000,000 in aid given and pledged to Ukraine. I believe that Putin is the Boss of Ukraine and most of this money is going to Him while America is being drained of Our Money. The Las Vegas Raiders Stadium that seats about 65,000 on about 68 acres cost $2B. We do not have the money and How much more does China loan Us when We already owe about 31 trillion?

I listen to Friends and Family that share the views of one party on Abortion and the Economy and they think that they are picking a lesser evil and voting with their wallet over these side matters. The real matter is,

Our Enemy is in control of both sides of this pretend election now and that must end.

I am not rich. Business has been bad for many years now and it is getting much worse, I am literally skating on thin ice now. Stores and Restaurants are closing down that have been open for decades. I read that Cvs is closing about 900 stores.

In My 50 years I have visited England, France, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Macao, Canada, Mexico, and many other nearby Places like Costa Rica and the Islands to get a view of the World.

I have done Business with People from all corners of the World and I have talked with them as a Brother. I have been humbled in My Life and I have seen alot in Los Angeles and New York and in many other major Cities throughout America.

I am a Believer in G-D, THE FATHER, THE SON JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT. I have carefully read all 66 Books of THE BIBLE and continue to read over and over again and I will for the rest of My life.

I believe that the Chinese Communist Party and The Russians have purchased control of both of the leaders in the upcoming election. I also believe that the Chinese Communist Party has purchased control of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has now allowed Beijing Police Departments to open on Canadian Soil and has now enacted a Nation Wide Ban of Buying, Selling and Transferring Guns, that will effectively disarm the Nation of their Freedom.

These leaders deserve to be behind bars in Jail, but We must have mercy on them and give them the benefit of the doubt and focus on securing and rebuilding Our own Ship, before it sinks.

"I do not believe it matters who You vote for under the current system."

Joe Biden has allowed the Chinese in. He told this young man, when deciding who to vote for "You Ain't Black" This video states that 81% of Blacks voted for Biden. I do not believe it. I also do not believe that Biden received about 81,000,000 votes, the highest in U.S. election history over second place Obama with about 74,000,000 votes.

The Chinese Communist Party has used their money to place one of their own Citizens on Our Elections Board in San Francisco, Her Name is Kelly Wong. She will be making Policies and Overseeing Local, State and National Elections in the United States. The Elections here have now become like they are in Russia, no matter who they want, that is who Wins.
Watch this Video about a Chinese National entering The Elections Board.

Further, if the Republican or the Democrat President Candidate Wins, both sides are owned by the Russian and Chinese Communist Party. There will be nothing to celebrate, when the next Leader of America is a the same Puppet for the Communist Party, that has been systematically trying to undermine Our Freedom for years.

I believe that it is a waste of precious time to look back and prosecute anyone for mistakes that they have made. I know that all are sinners including Myself. The time is now to start going with right, rather than wrong, rather than calling Political Party Names and blaming the past. I believe that both sides have good People that Love this Country and want the best for Our People.
The Government agencies have been protecting both sides and they should also have full immunity from any and all past wrongdoings.

The way that things are right now, Our Country is on track to fail. We do not have the money to repay Our Creditor China. The increased economy that Trump brags about was because they printed Trillions of Dollars of new money during that time. As Our boat continues to sink as that money leaves the Country, over printing cannot continue as a solution or We will end up in hyper inflation as Venezuela has in the last years and Germany did about 100 years ago after depleting most of their resources into the War. The only reason why Wars are fought, is over Money. When the Ottoman Turks attacked, robbed and killed their Neighbors in Armenia, it was because they needed Money, not because they were Christians. Later when Germany needed Money after the War and you needed a wheelbarrow full of money for bread, this is why the Nazi Germans robbed and killed the Jews.

Today, We are right now at risk of being robbed and killed on Our own land and I believe that the reason that China is paying to send soldiers to enter the Southern Border of the United States and being distributed throughout the Nation, is not for votes. You don't need votes when You count them Yourself. They are here because when they attack, kill and rob our People, they will call on these soldiers to follow orders. The only way that Biden would allow this to happen is because He is owned by China because He probably took money from them. There is no doubt that He was taking Money from Ukraine or when they came asking for $175,000,000,000 the answer would have been no.

China has known for about 50 years that genetically modified foods will cause mass famine to the land. They know because someone came to them and said that they had a solution to bring China out of Hunger by beating nature, and when they did, it caused a "widespread famine". Here is the CBS News article that reported this and more information on beating the Water Systems that also should not be played with and severe weather conditions are increasing like floods in Dubai.

Former President Obama blocked Gmo labeling and put in a previous Monsanto Employee to the Fda. About 93% of all corn, about 94% of soybeans, about 95% of sugar beets, about 97% of cotton planted in the U.S. are Genetically Modified.

Previous Monsanto Lawyer Clarence Thomas is now a Justice on the Supreme Court. I believe that the Chinese Communist Party orchestrated these Politicians to allow the attempted destruction of Our U.S. Soil and the reproductive health of Our Children and Grandchildren.

Farmers that were feeding Gmo Corn to their Pigs have reported that about 80% were having difficulties getting pregnant. Here is a video from a Harlan, Iowa Farmer who asks a great question, what happens when We feed this to Our Kids? Have You ever heard the saying You are what You eat? Are they feeding the Chickens that We eat Gmo Corn? Are the Sodas and the Chocolate Candy made of Gmo products?

I have read studies that mice that were fed Gmo corn became sterile after a few cycles. University studies like this seem to change after money is given for new studies.

I was told by a 2nd generation farmer that earthworms will not eat Gmo Food.

Here is an article about Mexico telling the U.S. that they are waiting for proof that Gmo Corn is safe for the People.

China and Russia sent 11 Warships to the coast of Alaska reported in this August 7, 2023 Cbs News article

July 25, 2024 U.S., Canadian Jets intercept Russian and Chinese Planes near Alaska.

Our children are being introduced to destructive behavior on Tiktok. At public schools, adolescent kids are being asked if they relate with being a boy, a girl, non binary or other than the sex that they were born with.

Trials of Rape, Prostitutes, Financial Crimes by Donald J. Trump are on the controlled media as a diversion. Nothing happens, both sides are being protected because they are all working for the same Boss, the Communist Party. They took over Cuba and Laos and now they are working on Canada and the United States.

I believe that Biden was glad to step out of the so called race. Obama was His leader throughout His 4 years. I believe that Obama is the one pushing for the transgender laws for People that want to dress up like another sex than what they were born with.

I also believe that all People should be treated with kindness and respect no matter what mistakes that they have made, because all, including Myself, have made mistakes. That is why we need JESUS. I have never tried being a Homosexual.

I believe that We were all created and sustained and LOVED by the Same G-D. I do not spell Out HIS NAME, Out of the Highest Respect.

I am a single Man, I have a Son 24 and a Daughter 22 that are both employed. I was divorced after about 16 years about 9 years ago. In these 9 years I have only been on a few date nights with 1 Christian Girl and it did not work out and We never removed Our pants or Her shirt. I am now waiting for My next new Wife that I believe that G-D will give Me that will be a blessing for Me.

I believe that Donald J. Trump is owned by Russia and the Chinese Communist Party. He was doing business with both and that is a violation of the United States Constitution, that He put in writing, that He does not respect and plans to terminate. I believe that Trump does not want to be President, He has to keep marching on the Campaign trail and doing as He is told even though He would rather be golfing every day and hanging out in the clubhouse

His New Vp Vance came to Fresno recently and mentioned a coup d'é·tat about Biden saying He was told to leave, and I believe that Trump Himself is looking for someone to take over the Government. A Coup is His best hope for His own freedom.

I believe that Donald J. Trump has stolen Billions from the U.S. Treasury and I filed a form 211 stating that. He has since sold many of the assets to a few of the Major Corporations and to the Indian Casino, so there is nothing that can be done now. I believe that one of the assets purchased with the stolen Government money was the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. After the Purchase it was leased to the Indian Tribe from the Hard Rock Casino in Florida and then later the Property was sold to them for cash. Where did that money go?

This reminds Me of the story of the 3 Brothers that wanted to check in to a Hotel. The 3 of them go in and ask for a room and they are quoted $25. So each brother puts down a $10 bill and the Innkeeper does not have change, so He tells them that He will send up His Son with the $5 later and then gives them the room key. Later the Father gives the Son five $1 bills and asks Him to go give the 3 brothers their change. So the Son knocks on the door and the brothers answer and He hands each one of them $1 and then one Brother tells Him to keep the $2 change. So now each of the three brothers has paid $9 and they Gave the Kid $2. Where did the other $1 go? The answer is My Dear Aunt Sally. Multiplication, Division, Addition and then Subtraction is the only way to get the correct answer.

The only way to get the correct answer now is to go in the right order. A peaceful takeover of the Government with the support of the Military for the benefit of all Americans and the World is the next right step.

The last time Trump was going to leave office He wanted to start a war in Iran for no reason to send Our Kids and Iranian Kids to die in vain.

What Trump planned on January 6, 2021 at Our Nation’s most sensitive location, at the U.S. Capitol, was not a peaceful protest. It was an attempt to remain in Power forever like Trump's Boss Putin.

Trump called Child Rapist and Child Trafficking Kingpin Jeffrey Epstein a "terrific guy". Dozens of innocent adolescent Girls were raped and lured into their web of Prostitution. Trumps other friend that He was in Russia with in 2013 wrote Jeffrey Epstein, a previous school teacher, about $158,000,000 in checks. Then when Epstein got into trouble again in Florida, U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta made a non prosecution deal that could have been life in prison to let Epstein go to Palm Beach Jail for about 13 months and get out of Jail 6 days a week for about 16 hours a day with his own transportation. When this happened to Epstein, Trump obviously would not want anything to do with Epstein. If Trump was not involved with raping minors and laundering the filthiest money into buying money losing properties He would not have helped at all. Later, Trump became President He hired this same U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta that made the deal for His Friend Epstein to be His Secretary of Labor. He later resigned under scrutiny of the Epstein deal that He made without the Victims and their Parents first knowing about it. Listen to Trump's first words in this video." I met Secretary Acosta, first time I know". Then later asks is He from Miami? Trump's Mar a Lago is in Palm Beach and He has said that Epstein was a fixture in Palm Beach.

Here is a video quoting former President Trump stating that Epstein is a terrific guy.

He also had Nikki Haley join His group, to be His U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Haley later resigned and joined Boeings board. Trump made a deal to buy 2 previously ordered Russian Planes for the Airforce One package that He over charged the Nation for Billions over to remodel the 2 about 4,000 square foot already built Planes. I believe that Trump did that to get an about $1,000,000,000 kick back for Himself. Then the new planes are scheduled to not be able to be refueled in mid air, so in case of any extreme situation, Our Enemies will know about when and where the Planes will land.

Trump's Son Eric admitted that they were getting financed through Russia and then later took back His statement. Trump was taking in Money from China while He was President by leasing them Property and collecting other Millions of Dollars through His other Businesses. He also lifted U.S. Sanctions against China when they agreed to give Him a permit that would benefit Him, both are against the Constitution.

Our Election Process can no longer be trusted. Americans will need to vote by Mailing in their votes on a letter to the Los Angeles City Hall if they believe that I am sharing the 1 Truth of Our Nation’s Situation and for People that want someone else that is not driven by the Communist Party. 3 out of 4 of My Grandparents were born in Fresno. 1 Grandfather was born in Van, and He grew up under Communism and when He came to the United States He kissed the Ground. He wrote an anti Communism book that I read and He described the misery and uncertainty of Communism. He went on the Art Linkletter show in the 1960s to talk about His book. He talked about drastic food shortages, the ugliness of War and worse. He wrote in the book, " to the very last drop of my blood I will fight against Communism."

The new Party that You can vote for is the Freedom under G-D Party. You simply write a letter with Your legal Name, citizenship and address with Your email address and mail it to Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012, it must be postmarked by October 31, 2024, with Your signed statement that You are voting for Daniel Arthur Jelladian, Jr. For President of The United States and Stuart Chandler for Vice President and You want to now join the Freedom Under G-D Party. All religions and all people are welcome. If enough votes are received, at the time of the election, the new President and Vice President will peacefully take over.

We must support Our Police and Fireman. We must support American small Businesses. We must support the right to own Arms to defend Ourselves. We must support educating kids to know that there are options to not have an abortion, there are people that cannot have Children that would love to adopt that child and it is best to wait as long as possible until You are ready to have a Family. We must support limited legal immigration. G-D told Jeremiah I knew You before I knitted You in Your Mother's womb. Meaning G-D knew His Soul even before He was born.

Israel is always America's Brother. THE WORD OF G-D. How many Nations can Lady Liberty breast feed while many American Veterans are looking in the garbage for food?

If the Supreme Court ever has a case that involves a President that nominated one of the Justices, that Justice must not vote, an alternate must.

I have known Stuart Chandler for about 25 years. He is a G-D Loving and G-D fearing Family Man that is a longtime Attorney at Law in Fresno. I had lunch with Stuart and His Wife and Kids about 3 years ago, after attending their Church. He is a blue eyed American, a Well spoken, intelligent, Gentleman that would never sell Out His Own Country for all of the tea in China.

This mission cannot be done without Your Help. I understand that Business is bad and money is tight. The enemy is doing this on purpose to buy our Gold at record highs and force people to sell their guns.
Gold is now trading at $2,493 per ounce. The average closing price in the year 2000 was about $279 per ounce, an increase of about 893%. We need to take one step at a time to seal the leaks of Our Ship or hyper inflation can happen here. It happened in Lebanon and their money lost about 90% of its value. So if You are on a fixed retirement You will not be able to afford basic living expenses.

In 2021 The Uss Kitty Hawk Super Aircraft Carrier was sold for scrap metal for $0.01.

If You can afford to send $2 or more on PayPal and share this post on Facebook so it goes as far and wide to as many Americans as possible to help lift us up, You will be helping, Your help is needed and right now today. Having the Corporations that are doing most of the business dollar volume being able to take their profits offshore is wrong. Everyone needs to pay a flat and simple 25% Federal Tax on all earnings, wages and gains for Our Nation and for Our Freedom to be able to survive.

In China most Gambling is illegal and so is Facebook. They do not have National Freedom of the Press News.

Title IX that empowers transgenders to have legal leverage over the other about 99.5% of the People for not respecting How they classify themselves is now legally harassment, this must be changed immediately. Boys go in the Boys Room and Girls go in the Girls room. The filth being introduced to Children in public school libraries must be removed immediately. The illegal alien pods scattered throughout America need to be sent back to where they came from now. Americans will do American Jobs. Corporations that violate U.S. Constitutional Anti Trust laws must be dissolved before they put out all other Businesses that cannot compete on their unlevel playing field and that is preventing new Businesses from opening. Amazon has a phallic symbol as their logo for a reason. Now Amazon is investing in replacing Employees with robots. Soon, where will about half of the People work?

We need to build and keep our Cities clean for Our People and to invite foreign travelers from around the World to visit the Greatest Free Nation on Earth, America the Beautiful.

For this movement to work, We need Your Support. Your donation today is so important to help get this out to all 50 States. We need to raise $20,000 by tomorrow for this first fund raising drive to help spread the Word that there is a good option outside of the corrupted Republican and Democrat Parties. Send whatever amount that You can today via PayPal to
Whatever You send will be greatly appreciated and it is the only way that things can change for the positive for Our Kids and Our Grandkids, so they can also enjoy the Freedom that We grew up with.

I vow to protect and lead Our Nation to keep Us safe and in peace on G-D'S path, so help Me G-D.

G-D Bless America,
G-D Bless You,
Daniel Arthur Jelladian, Jr
Candidate for President of the United States of America for the Freedom Under G-D Party.

We can do anything as a team. I would have never believed that Government would allow Kids in Elementary School to be introduced to destructive sexual behavior. It must be stopped right now. We have a goal of $20,000 to be reached tomorrow and I will try to get on one of the Major networks in Los Angeles Network or National News tomorrow night to share this with as many People as possible.

Send Donations of $2 or $5 or $20 or whatever You can afford to help spread the Word via PayPal to

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Freedom Under G-D Party Jelladian for President, Chandler for Vice President in 2024
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Freedom Under G-D Party Jelladian for President, Chandler for Vice President in 2024

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