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"Sold" Amazing Color Fire 18.88Ct Opal on matrix Gia Certified 18k Rose Gold by Jelladian Auction ID : 148484   
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"Sold" Amazing Color Fire 18.88Ct Opal on matrix Gia Certified 18k Rose Gold by Jelladian

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Current Bid -
Starting Bid USD 1.00
# Bids 0
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Start Time Mar. 27, 2023 12:43:24
End Time Nov. 21, 2023 13:01:56
Status Closed
Reserve Price Not Met
Winner(s) N/A
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(2700) Verified Seller
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Here is a "Sold" 18.88Ct Opal on Matrix Pendant in 18k Pink Gold By Daniel Arthur Jelladian. This Gia Certified natural Opal has an amazing internal fire of colors. This was designed with the lady that will wear this unique Jewel. This unforgettable Opal was found in an old yellow gold with Diamond setting. If you have been wanting a particular stone email me your want list so I can email you when I find a deal on whatever you are looking for- Then we can design something special for you to wear. or text 559-288-5000. Who invented Color and Why?

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"Sold" Amazing Color Fire 18.88Ct Opal on matrix Gia Certified 18k Rose Gold by Jelladian
Item viewed 1647 times
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"Sold" Amazing Color Fire 18.88Ct Opal on matrix Gia Certified 18k Rose Gold by Jelladian

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